The Successful Relationship Coach

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Insights and Inspiration from a Successful Relationship Coach

Insights and Inspiration from a Successful Relationship Coach Part 1

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Insights and Inspiration from a Successful Relationship Coach Part 1 Relationship Coach Training changed Mila’s life. She was so excited to start coaching, but then her first client said she wanted a different coach! Mila shares how this painful experience transformed her into the well-loved coach she is today, one who is transforming Bulgaria one marriage at a time. And how that ongoing growth as a

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Insights and Inspiration from a fellow Master Relationship Coach

Insights and Inspiration from a fellow Master Relationship Coach

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Insights and Inspiration from a fellow Master Relationship Coach Have you ever wondered “Am I enough? Do I have enough to offer?” My guest, Coach Darlene, did—all the time. That internal dialogue had her frozen in fear. She shares the one thing that made all the difference in transforming her fear to become a beloved, celebrated coach. And the question she now asks herself, which empowers

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Feminine Approach

Bringing a Feminine Approach to Building a Coaching Practice

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How is Fear Stopping You? I admit it. In the bad old days, I was a bulldozer. While being the girl who could make it all happen seemed to serve me well in my career, it cost me intimacy in my marriage. As it turns out, bulldozing wasn’t the best approach in the workplace either! I never would have known that had I not tried a

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Being Consistent

Being Consistent

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Being Consistent As a new coach, I was not so consistent. I was afraid. So I experienced firsthand the cost of being inconsistent.  Here’s how I turned things around and started to see results.  What impact could  you have by consistently sharing your story and letting people know how you can help them?  Listen today to discover this key to becoming wildly successful.

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Standing for your Own Greatness

Standing for your Own Greatness

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Standing for your Own Greatness In today’s episode, you’ll discover my secrets to taking brave steps towards my vision and purpose—and what got in my way along the way. Picking up from last week, I share the most important thing I’ve found to help me make the difference I’m called to make. I reveal how you can manage your mind and your actions so you can

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Standing for Other's Greatness

Standing for Other’s Greatness

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Standing for Other’s Greatness Is becoming a successful coach taking longer than you’d like? This question may sound unrelated, but have you also found yourself feeling uncomfortable receiving praise from your coach or mentor? My answers were YES and YES. When I started getting coaching over thirty years ago, I could not receive someone else standing for my greatness. I was so insecure that coaching felt

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Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

What is your Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: What is your Negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? I know this sounds weird, but waking up with an alien on my face used to stop me from pursuing my purpose to make the world a better place. Yet somehow, failing on the way to growing a coaching business was a hidden gift I didn’t see coming. In today’s episode, I’ll share how my negative Self-Fulfilling Prophecies hindered my

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lead vs prospect vs client

What are the differences between a Lead Prospect & Client?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: What are the differences between a Lead Prospect & Client? Putting the cart before the horse when building a coaching practice can get in the way of becoming known, liked and trusted in the marketplace. In today’s episode, I’ll share one of the biggest mistakes coaches make when they jump too quickly. I’ll also reveal the secret to attracting your ideal client and becoming trusted. You’ll

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The Cost of Coaching without Permission

The Cost of Coaching without Permission

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: The Cost of Coaching without Permission Have you ever been at a party or sitting next to someone on a plane who’s interested in what you do for a living?  She even seems like your ideal client so you’re getting excited, but you know it’s not the proper setting.  What do you do? Or, when a friend is pouring out her pain to you and you

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How does being accountable serve you?

How Does Being Accountable Serve You?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How Does Being Accountable Serve You? When someone threw a stone my way, I almost let it take me down.  I wanted to get defensive, but I found a way to  be accountable instead.  Today I’ll share how such accountability has served me on my journey to becoming a successful relationship coach. You’ll hear how I almost sold out on myself and robbed my client of

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How is Fear Stopping You?

How is Fear Stopping You?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How is Fear Stopping You? On today’s episode of The Successful Relationship Coach Podcast, I share what has gotten in the way of becoming a wildly successful relationship coach for me. You’ll hear about the biggest fears and failures on my journey of becoming a relationship coach. Tune in and discover how vulnerable it’s been to break through my fear to become the client and coach

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What Does It Mean to Be a Successful Relationship Coach?

What does it Mean to be a Wildly Successful Relationship Coach

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: What does it Mean to be a Wildly Successful Relationship Coach? Today I share what it means to be a successful relationship coach. But I had no idea what that meant in the beginning. In 2001, when I was working full-time and raising kids while becoming a coach, I was hiding out, not wanting anyone to know my secrets or my struggles. I’ll never forget the

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Being Brave as a Successful Relationship Coach

Being Brave: Coming out as a Successful Relationship Coach

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Being Brave: Coming Out as a Successful Relationship Coach On today’s episode of The Successful Relationship Coach Podcast, I’m coming out from behind the curtain. I share why I don’t want my pain to go to waste and what I did to cause more transformation in my personal life, my marriage and my career than anything else I had ever tried.

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Ending World Divorce with Successful Relationship Coaches

Ending World Divorce with Successful Relationship Coaches

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Ending World Divorce with Successful Relationship Coaches BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: YOUR PRESENT AND PODCAST For my birthday today, I have a present for you and every Relationship Coach who wants to have a more playful, passionate relationship and help others have the same. *Drumroll, please!* Presenting…THE SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP COACH PODCAST. Where it’s all about becoming a wildly successful relationship coach without having to work 24/7 so you

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